When planning your kayaking adventure for the first time, knowing how long kayaking per mile takes is very important. Possibly, you may need to build some stamina for paddling or you may have to manage your outing time accordingly. 

So, it’s important to explore for a smooth kayaking experience. Generally, kayaking one mile takes almost 30 minutes on smooth and calm water. However, kayaking on rough water may take longer. So, let’s see what factors affect kayaking and how you can boost your speed! 

How Fast Does a Kayak Go?

Typically, a kayak moves with a speed of 2 or three knots per hour. It is equal to 3.5 to 5.5 kilometers per hour. In kayaking, speed between 1 to 4 knots/hour is average while above this will be high or significant speed. 

How Fast Can You Paddle a Kayak?

If you are a beginner, you can paddle your kayak with 2 to 2.5 knots per hour. This speed increases as you gain experience and you can go up to 5 miles/hour. The stronger paddler you’re, the faster your kayak will go. 

Factors Affecting Kayak Speed

Speed of kayaking largely depends upon certain factors like kayak design, it’s type, paddling style, and so on. Here is a short note on the key factors affecting kayak speed; 

Design and Type of Kayak

Types and design of kayak is one of the key speed determining factors. Its length, width, hull style, and manufacturing material will affect its speed. 

Paddling Technique

Different kayers have different paddling style that also decided how fast a kayak will go. So, paddle type, stroke rate, power output, and efficiency of the the paddle will affect the kayak speed. 

Environmental Factors

Different environmental factors like wind speed and pressure, water current direction, waves, and tides also decide the kayaking speed. If all these are stronger, the kayaking speed will be slower and vice versa. 

Paddler’s Experience and Stamina 

Generally, an experienced paddler’s speed will be high than the one who is just entering the kayaking world. Moreover, the strength, endurance, and stroke power alos affect the speed. 

Kayer’s Body Position

The posture of the kayer and his body shape also disturb the kayaking speed. Kayaking with good posture will lead to more power and more speed. Similarly, stronger core body engagement will also help you control the kayaking speed and its balance. 

How Long Does It Take To Kayak A Mile?

Generally, it takes 30 to 45 minutes to kayak a mile on smooth and flat water. However, it’s not the fixed speed and may vary depending upon different factors. The skill level of the kayaker, environmental conditions, kayak type, and its design affect the overall speed. 

The average kayaking speed is 3 miles per hour. The speed of kayak will increase as you gain experience and learn how to paddle effectively. A skilled kayaker may go up to 5 miles per hour on the same water. 

How long does it take to kayak 10 miles downstream?

Kayaking 10 miles downstream on smoother and calm water will take about 5 hours. However, if you are a beginner kayaker, it may take up to 7-7.5 hours to cover 10 miles.  

How Long Does it Take to Kayak 3 Miles?

It will take 1.5 hours to cover a distance of 3 miles while kayaking if you are a skilled kayaker. However, if you are a starter, you will cover the same distance in almost 2.25 hours on smooth water and in normal environmental conditions. 

Tips to Improve Your Kayaking Speed?

When you know different kayaking speed determining factors, you can gradually increase your speed. Here are some effective tips to improve your kayaking speed; 


In conclusion, the average kayaking speed is between 3 to 5 miles per hour depending upon your kayaking experience level. Moreover, different factors affect the overall speed of the kayak. When you learn about different factors, you can get over all those factors to boost the speed. Also, certain measurements can increase your kayaking speed even if you are just starting kayaking. So, always focus on the factors affecting the kayaking speed to boost your speed to enjoy maximum when you’re exploring outdoor. 


How long does it take to go 8 miles on a kayak?

Typically, you can go 8 miles on kayak in almost 2.5 hours. However, if you are not much experienced, you will cover the same distance in about 3.75 hours. 

How long does it take to kayak 7 miles?

You will cover a distance of 7 miles on a kayak in 3.5 hours if you are skilled kayaker. But the same distance will take 5.25 hours if the kayaker is not much experienced. 

Is kayaking 5 miles hard?

No, kayaking 5 miles is not much difficult if you are an experienced, skilled, and sound person. Moreover, the environmental conditions also affect the overall kayaking experience. So, if these situations are in your favour, kayaking 5 miles will not give you a tough time. 

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